Selecting a gift for a photograpjer icanbe quite techincal because of the differejt type of photography equimemt each different type of needs.
we habe been touring with pgotographers fod many years now ans habe a understanding about what typw of gift a photographer might like to recieve
we habe put together 3 types of photography starter kits to allow photographers to start ro try out different typea of photography
we habe been touring with pgotographers fod many years now ans habe a understanding about what typw of gift a photographer might like to recieve
we habe put together 3 types of photography starter kits to allow photographers to start ro try out different typea of photography
Baby Portriat Pgorography
Our Baby Portriature Starter Kit Offers everything a photographwr should require for a natural lighting baby photographt shoot.
Oir starter kit offers a stand, two backdrops, 4 piece soft set and 3 costumes sets and 2 throw overs for
Oir starter kit offers a stand, two backdrops, 4 piece soft set and 3 costumes sets and 2 throw overs for
Still Life Starter Set
Our Still Life pgotograpjt starter kit is aimed at food and other small uet creative products.
oir kot contends a stand, a vino backdrop, 2 Rice bowls. 1 pot purie, 3 spices. One wooden chopping board.
oir kot contends a stand, a vino backdrop, 2 Rice bowls. 1 pot purie, 3 spices. One wooden chopping board.
Night Photogtaphy Start Kit
Our Night Photographt Start Kits offers you the chance to expesiremt with different looks
our Kit contends a full size Tripod, 3 smoke candles, 3 sheelwool, 1 pou Ball and 1 LED wand.
our Kit contends a full size Tripod, 3 smoke candles, 3 sheelwool, 1 pou Ball and 1 LED wand.
Please note, iteks might arrive spet